Monday, 29 June 2009

Virtue of the week goes to .....Riley for Determination

Virtue of the week (22-26th of June) goes to Riley for Determination.
Riley worked hard to master the monkey bars and spent lots of time on them. He also played lots of the Dora memory card game and was determined to win against Mel! What determination! Riley got to take Perky home so we can't wait to see what Perky got up to in the weekend,
Well done Riley.



The children had such fun on the trolley. Marcus had a hard job of pulling it. Watch out for the slide Marcus!! Great fun!


Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Look at Mel skipping!

Mel, Emma, Marcus and Riley had such a neat time skipping.

Go Mel! You can do it!

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Inside the Tui and Pukeko Room

Inside the Tui (top) and Pukeko Rooms (bottom).
Aren't they looking great!
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Dominic and Emma's magnet discoveries!

Dominic and Emma had great fun finding out what they could attract with their magnets and what they couldn't! Well done! Have a look at the photos from the link below.


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Welcome to the Pukeko Room

Yesterday we welcomed Ella-Jane to the Pukeko Room. We also had a visitor, Tudor, who will be starting next week. They both had a great time and Ella-Jane impressed us all with her monkey bar skills!

Virtue of the week goes to ...Marcus for Caring

On Friday Marcus got to take Perky the Pukeko home as he was awarded the 'Virtue of the Week' for Caring! Marcus, you have been so caring towards the other children this week. Whenever somebody has been the slightest bit upset, you have gone and got them a tissue so that they could wipe their eyes.
They went to Yum Cha, which Perky really enjoyed! They went and fed the ducks and saw some 'other' Pukekos! They also went to Cornwall Park and saw the sheep and cows. They went on 'Thomas the Tank engine' train! 'Bob the Builder' came for a ride too! Well done Marcus!


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Friday, 19 June 2009


We welcome to the Tui room Sylvia, Isabelle, Victoria and Catherine. The Tui Room will be opening on Monday, 22nd of June from 9-3pm and for the children outside these hours, they will be joining the other children in the Pukeko Room.
We also welcome back from her 5 week practicum Lillian Chen. Good to have you back Lillian!!
Check out the pictures of Sylvia, Isabelle, Victoria and Catherine enjoying their visit to the Tui Room!
Take care

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Check out the Bayfield centre blog

If you enjoyed viewing our Takapuna centre blog have a look at the blog for our 'sister' centre in Bayfield called "Bayfield Early Education Centre"

blog address is



Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Hello everyone!
Welcome to our blogsite where you can keep an eye on all that is happening at Pupuke!
We will post blogs to tell you special things that happen and keep you up to date with what is happening with Perky and his adventures!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Welcome to our Newsletter Blogsite

A warm welcome to everyone to the NEW PUPUKE EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE NEWSLETTER BLOGSITE. Log on regularly to check news items, photos and special happenings at the Pupuke Centre.

If, for some reason, you do not want your child's photo to appear on our blog, please do let us know ASAP. We will ensure they do not appear here.

kind regards
