Thursday, 21 January 2010


Dear Pupuke Parents

We are pleased to inform you we have a new teacher starting on Monday, 25th of January.  Christine Hambrook will be taking a full time position in the Tui room and comes from several years experience in day cares.  Christine qualified with her early childhood qualifications at the end of last year and has attained her provisional registration.

We warmly welcome Christine to the Tui Room!  Elizabeth Phillips will be taking a postion in the Pukeko Room and this will happen slowly over the next couple of weeks.  Crystal will be floating between both rooms for a while until numbers grow in the Pukeko room but ultimately will be working as a Pukeko room teacher.

Hope this is all clear!  Any questions please don't hesitate to speak to me.
Kind regards

Shona Hewitt
Centre Manager

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


A big welcome back to all our 'old' and 'new' families!!  We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, New Year and holiday and are all ready for a busy year!  Make sure you keep checking our Blog for all the wonderful things that happen at Pupuke!!